Shanna Ratner worked with Barbara Wyckoff of Dynamica Consulting to develop a handbook for ActionAid. This work built off of the framework developed in the Kathmandu workshop on Gender Sensitive Access to Market and Value Chains. Topics addressed…
We invite you to explore our work. Recent projects and presentations are listed below. You can explore additional work using the various tags in the right hand column.
Shanna Ratner worked with Barbara Wyckoff of Dynamica Consulting to develop a handbook for ActionAid. This work built off of the framework developed in the Kathmandu workshop on Gender Sensitive Access to Market and Value Chains. Topics addressed…
Opportunity International was interested in developing an agricultural model for sharing economic benefits and applying this model to a plant operated by Opportunity International in Nicaragua. The CODESPA Foundation was selected to complete this…
The Land Trust Alliance (Alliance) is a national conservation organization that works to save the places people love. Most recently, the Alliance has begun to focus on Community Conservation, listening to and engaging people from all walks of life…
Yellow Wood, in consultation with the Working Lands Enterprise Board Forestry subcommittee of the State of Vermont, is working to provide a systems analysis of the forest and wood products industry. This work will engage a variety of stakeholders…
Yellow Wood Associates designed and implemented a study for the Nature Conservancy on the economic impacts of invasive species on a variety of economic sectors in the Adirondack Park. This study provided a preliminary assessment of the present day…
Under the direction of Peg Elmer of, Yellow Wood engaged in targeted strengthening of municipal hazard mitigation planning in the state of Vermont. Yellow Wood assisted in guiding and augmenting national research related to…
Yellow Wood was contracted by the Vermont Environmental Consortium to produce content for a Vermont-focused “green careers” website, as part of a Vermont Department of Labor deliverable to Vermont Technical College. The content that was researched…
The Rural Health Network of South Central New York sought consulting services to evaluate their Rural Health Service Corps (RHSC) AmeriCorps program from the period of September 1, 2012 through November 30, 2013. Yellow Wood evaluated the data reported…
Yellow Wood worked with Suri Paco to evaluate the costs and benefits of an expanded wholesale production program, including demand, supply and processing of domestic alpaca fiber for a range of value-added products, including bales, non-woven felt,…
Yellow Wood Associates worked with One Voice and NAACP Mississippi to identify best practices for developing a food systems value chain with a focus on four models (Institutional Sales through the Farm to School model; Targeted Distribution of Produce…
Opportunity International Nicaragua (OIN) is a nonprofit organization working to blend community economic development strategies with microfinance strategies to benefit the poorest of the poor in Nicaragua. As part of their work, OIN has incubated…
Yellow Wood was asked to provide technical assistance to the Green Forest Products Collaborative to assess the level of demand opportunity in the region’s institutions and government agencies. Yellow Wood performed a scan of the region and identified…
Yellow Wood was the local evaluator for Workforce Central, an initiative of the Community Foundation of Greater South Wood County (now Incourage Community Foundation) and its strategic partners funded by the National Workforce Solutions Fund (NWSF).…
Yellow Wood worked with Susanne Moser, PhD to explore the issue of community resilience from the perspective of literature and key informant interviews with 25 rural development practitioners from around the country. They identified stages of community…
Yellow Wood conducted a supplementary round of interviews exploring the issue of community resilience. These interviews were with representatives from MDC, Mary Reynolds Babcock Foundation, Danville Regional Foundation, Louisiana Disaster Foundation,…
Yellow Wood provided assistance with qualitative data gathering for the Wallace Center. This assistance included developing interview questions, interviewing growers, and synthesizing interview responses.
Yellow Wood Associates worked with consultant Doug Hoffer to assist the Wallace Center in preparing a proposal to the U.S. Department of Labor for Agriculture and Food Sector Job Training for Enhancing Green Jobs.
Yellow Wood compiled a list of highly successful projects funded by the Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program, along with a review of some of the best practices that made these projects successful.
Yellow Wood assisted Wayne Fawbush of the Ford Foundation in developing an innovative approach to rural development based on an application of triple bottom line principles to create and maintain community wealth. Wealth was defined by categories of…
Yellow Wood Associates was hired by the Village of Derby Line to study the potential economic, fiscal and environmental impacts from a proposed expansion of the I-91 Derby Line Port of Entry on the Village of Derby Line as well as potential mitigation…
The Town of Franklin contracted with Yellow Wood to prepare a list of qualified bidders for the Town's building program which includes one LEED certified building. Yellow Wood identified qualified architects, builders, commissioning agents and clerks…
Yellow Wood worked with 9 communities throughout New England on inventory and assessment and research on alternative technologies.
Yellow Wood worked with Stone Environmental to assess options for water supply and wastewater treatment in the rural town of Westford, Vermont's town center. Yellow Wood prepared a Wastewater Feasibillity Study Survey for landowners in the town center…
Yellow Wood partnered with Mt. Auburn Associates to help the Massachusetts Trust for Public Land build a framework for discussing the full range of economic benefits derived from public land. Categories of economic benefit include contributions to…
Yellow Wood worked with the Town of New Gloucester to consider alternative approaches to handling municipal solid waste including recyclables. We examined waste reduction, collection, and disposal strategies.
On behalf of the National Association of Development Organizations, Yellow Wood conducted research on EPA brownfields grants awarded to regional development organizations. As part of this research, Yellow Wood developed an online questionnaire and…
Prepared a concept paper on wealth and sustainability and their relationships to one another for use by the Northern Forest Center and the North Country Council in developing principles to guide the Northern Forest Sustainable Economy Initiative. Meet…
Yellow Wood Associates was hired by Save Passamaquoddy Bay to study the economic and fiscal impacts of potential LNG import terminal development on the Passamaquoddy Bay. Economic impacts on real estate and employment were studied, as were fiscal impacts…
Yellow Wood Associates, Inc. worked with the Plattsburgh-North Country Chamber of Commerce to identify seven key sectors – Industry, Tourism, Real Estate, Cultural Affairs, Retail, Financial and Professional Services, and International Border Businesses…
Yellow Wood helped the Middle Peninsula Planning and Development Commission to define and assess the feasibility of economic development activities and opportunities that sustain traditional land uses and which minimize adverse impacts on the natural…
Shanna Ratner presented a workshop on Participatory Community Problem-Solving at the 11thAnnual Conference on the Adirondacks. The workshop topics included everyday research, the National Community Forest Center initiative and how participatory…
Shanna Ratner presented the findings of Yellow Wood Associates, Inc.’s study of the potential economic and fiscal impacts of a proposed liquid natural gas import terminal on the Town of Harpswell, Maine to an audience of over 150 people in a public…
Yellow Wood Associates, Inc. collected data from primary and secondary sources to assess the potential economic and fiscal impacts of a proposed Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) import terminal on the fishing town of Harpswell, Maine. Work included analyzing…
Shanna Ratner presented a participatory research workshop at Middlebury College on November 20th, 2003. The workshop was presented by the National Community Forestry Center Northern Forest Region in cooperation with the Middlebury College…
Shanna Ratner presented a workshop on Participatory Community Problem-Solving at the 10th Annual Conference on the Adirondacks. The workshop topics included everyday research, the National Community Forest Center initiative and how participatory…
Yellow Wood Associates, Inc. conducted research to determine how, and whether, Vermont municipalities can use alternative technologies to save money, create jobs, and reduce negative environmental impacts. Our research focused on alternative approaches…
Yellow Wood Associates, Inc. worked with the Town of Richmond, Vermont to inventory and assess municipal infrastructure assets and provide options for future investment based on a comparative analysis of alternative technologies versus conventional…
Yellow Wood Associates, Inc. assessed the feasibility of developing a shared-use kitchen incubator in southern New York and northern Pennsylvania. Yellow Wood Associates, Inc. worked with project partners to develop goals for the proposed facility,…
This project consisted of two phases. The first identified a mix of possible products that the former Ethan Allen employee group would be able to produce given their skills, knowledge base, opportunities for additional training, and an array of business/marketing…
Yellow Wood Associates, Inc. prepared a short lesson on “Planning for Economic Development” for Vermont municipal officials, which was used as part of the Lincoln Land Institute’s Online Planning Series, sponsored by The Orton Institute. The lesson…
Yellow Wood Associates, Inc. surveyed members of the Learning Cluster to determine the variety of approaches being used to build rural community capacity, resulting in a report entitled Community Capacity Building, What Is It? for the Aspen Institute.…
Yellow Wood Associates, Inc. worked with the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation on the integration of social capital into their grant-making process. The work involved facilitating the Social Capital Multiplier Group, researching social capital applications…
Yellow Wood Associates, Inc. defined a business concept and conducted preliminary research for a cooperative cleaning business that used non-toxic products and techniques.
Worked on behalf of the Conservation Law Foundation to document and analyze the economic and fiscal impacts of the proposed Stowe Ski Area Master Plan. The analysis emphasized the extent of public investment versus public benefit in electric utilities,…
Yellow Wood provided written and oral testimony for the foundation in the Act 250 review of the Town of Milton, Vermont in their proposal to expand sewer service along Route 7. The purpose of the evaluation was to review the adequacy and/or deficiencies…
Awarded a grant by TVA Rural Studies to conduct research. Yellow Wood Associates produced a paper on the role of the informal economy in rural communities. The paper reframes rural development in terms of the whole economy, and begins to articulate…
Yellow Wood Associates, Inc. provided an inventory and assessment of hiking and walking resources in the Lake Champlain Basin. The work was undertaken as part of a bi-state Lake Champlain Byways Management Plan, and produced a database and maps with…
On behalf of local business people, Yellow Wood Associates, Inc. prepared an independent analysis of the potential economic impacts of a proposed national chain hotel on the existing lodging industry in Middlebury, surrounding areas, and downtown Middlebury.…
Yellow Wood Associates, Inc. assisted the Town of Cambridge, Vermont Planning Commission in designing and implementing a process to engage local residents and landowners in a dialogue about guiding future growth in the town. Specifically, the dialogue…
Yellow Wood Associates, Inc. worked in conjunction with Robert J. Turner Co. to assemble data on timber production, markets, and price trends to evaluate the financial feasibility of a forest land bank in western New York. The work was conducted on…
Yellow Wood Associates, Inc. performed a review of the SmartWood certification guidelines for green certification of logs, lumber and wood products. Linking consumer consciousness with sustainable forestry practices, the assessment was conducted with…
Yellow Wood Associates, Inc. researched and analyzed the socio-economic impacts of a proposed expansion of lodging and retail facilities at Stratton Mountain for the Stratton Area Citizen’s Committee. The analysis considered the economic viability…
Yellow Wood Associates, Inc. analyzed the EZ/EC Communities’ Annual Benchmark Progress Reports and prepared a summary document for the Community Partnership Center of the University of Tennessee. The report discussed areas of accomplishment, common…
Yellow Wood Associates, Inc. prepared a paper on flexible manufacturing networks for wood products firms for the Maine Rural Development Council and the Maine State Planning Office. The paper includes a discussion of the network concept and profiles…
Yellow Wood Associates, Inc. prepared a paper on the concept of learning communities for the Appalachian Regional Commission. The paper focused on how to identify traits common to learning communities and how to foster the development of these community…
Yellow Wood received a grant from the Vermont Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research to prepare a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant proposal. Yellow Wood Associates, Inc. proposed to develop a Participatory Training Program…
Yellow Wood Associates, Inc. worked with the Aspen Institute to survey eleven states supporting rural community development. The purpose of the work was to identify the role of state government in supporting communities after they have completed some…
Yellow Wood Associates, Inc. prepared a publication for the Center for Rural Studies at the University of Vermont on rural development options, including main street revitalization, enterprise zones, community cooperatives, and small business incubators.
Yellow Wood Associates, Inc. prepared a chapter for a book on the role of social and environmental capital in landscape protection with the support of the Community and Rural Development Institute of Cornell University (CARDI).
Yellow Wood Associates, Inc. reviewed and critiqued the economic impact statement prepared by Wal-Mart for their proposed Lake Placid site on behalf of the Lake Placid Residents for Responsible Growth.
Yellow Wood Associates, Inc. worked with the Neighborhood Based Alliance and the Economic Development Zone in Moriah, New York to provide assistance in community economic development. Tasks included a survey of retail spending by high school and resident…
Yellow Wood worked with The Adirondack Council to identify and assess the cultural, economic and social factors in the Adirondacks that provide both obstacles and opportunities to the emergence of strong, thriving communities. Work included detailed…
Yellow Wood Associates, Inc. worked with the Connecticut River Joint Commissions of New Hampshire to plan a conference for growers, buyers and others interested. Results included a written summary of agricultural production and marketing trends in…
Yellow Wood Associates, Inc. provided project management and conducted research on behalf of the Lake Champlain Management Conference to recommend possible alternatives, modifications and/or enhancements to existing institutional and funding arrangements…
Prepared case study of the Town of Champlain, New York on behalf of The Lake Champlain Management Conference to illustrate the complex connections between the town's water resources and its economy. Explored the potential impact of a Lake Champlain…
Yellow Wood Associates, Inc. analyzed the potential economic impact on Newport of the proposed Derby Plaza in Derby, Vermont on behalf of the Newport Downtown Merchants’ Association. Prepared and delivered written and oral testimony before the District…
Yellow Wood Associates, Inc. reviewed and critiqued the economic impact statement prepared by Wal-Mart for their proposed St. Albans location on behalf of the Franklin-Grand Isle Regional Planning and Development Commission. Prepared and delivered…
Yellow Wood Associates, Inc. prepared a successful proposal to the Regional Economic Development Strategy Council of Northern New York on behalf of the Development Authority of the North Country to study the potential for further development of the…
On behalf of the Adirondack North Country Association, Yellow Wood Associates, Inc. prepared a detailed primary and secondary wood product development strategy for six counties in northern New York. Work included extensive field and phone interviews…
Yellow Wood Associates, Inc. served as an economic development consultant to the New York State Governor's Commission on “The Adirondacks in the Twenty-First Century.” Prepared a concept paper on economic development in the Adirondacks, published as…
Yellow Wood Associates, Inc. prepared a detailed feasibility study for production and intra-regional marketing of fresh fruits and vegetables in a six-county region of northern New York for the Town of Champlain Local Economic Development Corporation.…
Yellow Wood Associates, Inc. prepared a socio-economic study of the Town of Plainfield, Vermont, including detailed assessment of the impact of a proposed highway bypass, village revitalization, and agricultural assessment. The work also included a…
1694 Barry Road - Fairfield, VT 05455|ph: 802-524-6604