Innovators in Rural Community Economic Development


Yellow Wood works with clients of all sizes and types.

Yellow Wood works with a range of client types on varying scales of project work throughout the United States and we partner with large foundations and organizations that work on a national or international level.

Click on the name of a client below to see a list of project work with that client.

Use the location drop-down below to see a list of projects undertaken for clients in a specific geographic area where Yellow Wood has worked.

Our clients include citizen groups, non-profit organizations, federal, state, and local governments, foundations, universities, and others. Use the client type drop-down below to see lists of the projects we've undertaken for various types of clients with whom we work, or select a category to the right to view projects.

Our Clients

1772 Foundation
ACT Missouri
ActionAid International
Addison County Regional Planning Commission
Adirondack North Country Association
Adirondack Park Agency
Adirondack Research Consortium
Advantage Valley Entrepeneurial League System
Agricultural Development Council of Chenango County
Agricultural Utilization Research Institute
Agriculture and Land-Based Training Association
Albany Law School
America's Byways Resource Center
American Evaluation Association
America’s Byways
Ann Ruzow Holland
Appalachia Funders Network
Appalachian Mountain Club
Appalachian Regional Commission
Appalachian Sustainable Development
Arizona Natural Resources Working Group
Aspen Institute
Aspen Institute Community Strategies Group
Association for Community Health Improvement
Association for the Protection of the Adirondacks
Audubon Society
Barnstable County MA
Black Belt Treasures
Boquet River Association
Brookfield Industrial Development/Northwest Missouri Roundtable
Burlington Community Land Trust
Burnt Rock
Businesses for Downtown
CODESPA Foundation
Cambridge Planning Commission
Camp and Associates LLC
Catskill Watershed Corporation
Center for Economic Options
Center for Rural Entrepreneurship
Central Appalachian Network
Central Minnesota Community Foundation
Central New York Agricultural Council
Cherry Capital Foods
City of Battle Lake
City of Brandon
City of Ottertail
Clearwater Economic Development Association
College of the Atlantic
Commission on the Adirondacks in the Twenty-First Century
Common Good Vermont
Community Action Partnership
Community Capacity Builders
Community Consultants
Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona
Community Forest Collaborative
Community Forestry Collaborative
Community Foundation of Broward
Community Foundation of Greater South Wood County
Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa
Community Partnership Center of the University of Tennessee
Community Resource Group
Concerned Citizens of Waterbury
Connecticut Department of Environmental Conservation
Connecticut Forest and Park Association
Connecticut Land Conservation Council
Connecticut River Joint Commissions
Conservation Law Foundation
Cornell Cooperative Extension
Cornell Cooperative Extension Association of Essex
Cornell International Institute for Food Agriculture and Development
Cornell University
Cornell University Community and Rural Development Institute
Cornerstone Consultants
Deep Root Organic Cooperative
Delta Cuisine Southern Kitchen Incubator
Designing a Strong and Healthy New York (DASH-NY) Obesity Prevention Coalition and Policy Center
Development Authority of the North Country
Downtown Newport Merchants Association
Dynamica Consulting
East Tennessee Foundation
Empire State Forest Products Association
Environment Canada
Environmental Partnerships Inc.
Essex County Department of Community Development and Planning
Extension Professional Development Evaluation Community of Practice
Fair Food
Fairplay for Harpswell
Farm Credit Bank
Farm to Institution New England
Firsthand Foods
Ford Foundation
Forward Thinking Consultants
Franklin County CDC
Frederick County Office of Economic Development
Fremont Area Community Foundation
Fresh Taste
Friends of Northern Lake Champlain
Friends of Vermont's Way of Life
Fund for Rural America
Funding for Our Future
Goody Clancy
Grasshoppers Distribution
Greater Ketchikan Chamber of Commerce
Gund Institute
Hancock County Planning Commission
HandMade in America
Harlem Valley Planning Partnership
Heartland Center for Leadership Development
Heifer International
HomeGrown Wisconsin
Idaho's Bounty Co-op
Indigenous Community Enterprises
Innovative Natural Resource Solutions
Institute for Sustainable Communities
Iowa Department of Natural Resources
Jack and Jake’s
Jefferson County Department of Health
Jeremy Phillips Consulting
Just Works Consulting
Lake Champlain Byway
Lake Champlain Management Conference
Lake Placid Residents for Responsible Growth
Land Ethics Inc.
Land Futures
Land Trust Alliance
Land of Sky Regional Council
Leadville Lake County Economic Development Corporation
Lewis County Industrial Development Agency
Local Economies Project
Local Food Hub
MIT Department of Urban Studies and Planning
Mahoosuc Initiative
Maine Association of Conservation Commissions
Maine Coast Heritage Trust
Maine Community Foundation
Maine Forest Service
Maine Rural Development Council
Maine Rural Partners
Maine State Planning Office
Massachusetts Agency of Community Development
Massachusetts Rural Development Council
Massachussetts Trust for Public Land
Michigan State University Extension
Middle Peninsula Planning District Commission
Middlebury College
Miner County Community Revitalization
Minnesota Campus Compact
Missouri Association of Community Task Forces
Missouri Department of Economic Development
Missouri Department of Health
Moriah Economic Development Zone
Morse Marketing Connections
Mountain Association for Community Economic Development
Mt. Auburn Associates
NAACP Mississippi
NADO Research Foundation
NRG Systems
NYS Department of Economic Development
National Association of Development Organizations
National Audubon Society
National Community Reinvestment Coalition
National Cooperative Business Association
National Joint Powers Alliance
National Network of Forest Practitioners
National Rural Electric Cooperative
National Trust for Historic Preservation
National Value Added Conference
National Wildlife Federation
Natural Capital Investment Fund
Nebraska Community Foundation
Nebraska Rural Initiative
New England Society of American Foresters
New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
New Mexico Community Foundation
New Mexico Rural Alliance
New Mexico Rural Development Forum
New Venture Fund
New World Foundation
New York State Association of Towns
New York State Bar Association
New York State Tug Hill Commission
Newaygo County Economic Development Office
Nordic Group International
North Carolina State University
North Central Regional Center for Rural Development
North Country Resource Conservation and Development Area Council
Northeast Regional Center for Rural Development
Northeast Stewardship Project
Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (NESARE)
Northern Community Investment Corporation
Northern Forest Alliance
Northern Forest Center
Northern Maine Development Commission
Northern New England Sustainable Communities Project
Northwest Area Foundation
Northwest Missouri Regional Council of Governments
Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs (Manpower and Personnel)
Ohio University
Opportunity International
Oregon State University
Orton Family Foundation
Osceola Center for Arts and Heritage
Planning/Environmental Research Consultants
Plattsburgh and North Country Chamber of Commerce
Potsdam College
Profit Squared
Project for School Innovation
Protect the Adirondacks! Inc.
Purdue University Extension
Quebec Labrador Foundation
RJ Turner Company
RUPRI Center for Rural Entrepreneurship
ReGeneration Resources
Region Five Development Commission
Regional Food Solutions LLC
Renewable Energy Vermont
Rural Action
Rural Community Assistance Corporation
Rural Development Initiative
Rural Development Initiatives
Rural Health Network of South Central New York
Rural Support Partners
Rutland Area Farm and Food Link
Save Passamaquoddy Bay
Skeo Solutions
Southeast Conference
Southern Colorado Economic Development District
Southern New England Forest Consortium
Southern Tier East Regional Planning and Development Board
Southwest CAPT
Southwest Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies
Spartanburg County Foundation
St.Lawrence County Planning Office
State of Vermont
Stratton Area Citizen's Committee
SunWalker Enterprises
Suri Paco LLC
Sustainable Forest Futures
Sustainable Northwest
The Adirondack Council
The Aspen Institute
The Forest Trust
The Maine Food Strategy
The Nature Conservancy
The New York Academy of Medicine
The Orton Institute
The World Bank Social Policy and Resettlement Division
Town of Brattleboro
Town of Champlain
Town of Champlain Local Development Corporation
Town of Fairfield
Town of Franklin
Town of Hancock
Town of Hardwick
Town of Hinesburg
Town of Johnson
Town of Litchfield
Town of Mansfield
Town of Montgomery
Town of New Gloucester
Town of Plainfield
Town of Richmond
Town of Schroon Lake
Town of Southampton
Town of Thetford
Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center
US Department of Health and Human Services
US Department of Housing and Urban Development
US Endowment for Forestry and Communities
US Environmental Protection Agency
US Forest Service
USDA Agricultural Marketing Service
USDA Rural Development
Union County Chamber of Commerce
Union County Industrial Development Corporation
United Way of Addison County
University of Idaho
University of Kentucky
University of Kentucky Rural Studies Program
University of Minnesota Extension Service
University of Southern Maine
University of Vermont
University of Vermont Center for Rural Studies
University of Vermont EPSCoR
University of Vermont Extension
University of Wisconsin
Urban Bush Women
Verde River Valley Nature Organization
Vermont Agency of Agriculture
Vermont Agency of Agriculture Food and Markets
Vermont Agency of Development and Community Affairs
Vermont Agency of Natural Resources
Vermont Association of Conservation Commissions
Vermont Businesses for Social Responsibility
Vermont Chamber of Commerce
Vermont Community Development Association
Vermont Community Foundation
Vermont Department of Agriculture
Vermont Department of Education
Vermont Department of Housing and Community Affairs
Vermont Department of Personnel Cyprian Learning Center
Vermont Employee Ownership Center
Vermont Environmental Consortium
Vermont Forest Resources Advisory Council
Vermont Forum on Sprawl
Vermont Land Trust
Vermont Natural Resources Council
Vermont Planners Association
Vermont Soy
Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund
Vermont Town Forest Project
Vermont Wood Product Manufacturers' Association
Village of Derby Line
Virgin Islands Developmental Disabilities Council
WSOS Community Action Commission
Wallace Center at Winrock International
Walton Family Foundation
West Central Initiative
Western Heritage Historic Byway
Western Illinois University
Westford Wastewater Committee
Wyoming Community Foundation
Yellow Wood Associates
Zeltsman Associates

Client Feedback

A few weeks ago we went over the reports and directions provided by Yellow Wood. And pardon the pun, but we now have a 'road map' for our byway. The workshop not only provided a better sense of direction, it also gave us renewed vigor…I hope the Resource Center offers some form of byways strategy mapping for all national byways. I'll be glad to serve as an advocate for such a program.

Aldis Garsvo, Western Heritage Historic Byway