Yellow Wood Associates was hired by the Village of Derby Line to study the potential economic, fiscal and environmental impacts from a proposed expansion of the I-91 Derby Line Port of Entry on the Village of Derby Line as well as potential mitigation measures. Economic impacts on real estate were studied, as were fiscal impacts on local government, municipal infrastructure, education, housing, public safety, emergency management planning, etc. Environmental health impacts studied included increased noise, increased lighting, and impairment of air quality due to truck and car idling and increased waits at the border.
Working with you was a pleasant experience. You provided us with a list of needed materials early in the project, and then went about your tasks with minimal interruption to the Village. Your help in enabling us to respond to the government’s FEIS was invaluable. The final report is a document that exceeded any expectations that we may have held in its completeness and comprehensiveness. There are always ways to improve performances, but we are at a loss to make any suggestions to you.The methods that you used were completely transparent to us, especially where you studied other areas that had experienced POE expansions similar to what will happen here. Also your use of local residents and Town resources in compiling findings is a good example that once does not need to look far away to obtain needed information. - Keith Beadle, Trustee for the Village of Derby Line