Tags: Agriculture, Business Development, Capacity Building, Community Economic Development, Custom Facilitation, Evaluation, Facilitation, Measurement, Natural Resource Based Economic Development, Surveys, You Get What You Measure
Client Name: Wallace Center at Winrock International Staff
Location: Virginia
Resource Type: Report
Author Org: Wallace Center at Winrock International, Yellow Wood Associates
Author: Yellow Wood Associates Staff, Wallace Center at Winrock International Staff
Year: 2014
This draft report is a product of a study supported by the Wallace Center and the National Good Food Network. The study explored how a set of common measures might assist food hubs and the food hub community in telling their stories and improving their practices. Common measures explored in this report include measures of: increased economic activity and market-access for small and mid-sized producers; greater food access to underserved communities; increased articulation and understanding of the impact of food hubs in achieving health-related outcomes; and investment by federal and private sources into food hub development. This report compiles research on food hubs and the selected measures, information from the 2013 National Food Hub Survey, and the input of food hubs selected by the National Good Food Network Food Hub Collaboration.