Yellow Wood in Transition; Update on Our Work; WealthWorks; Presentations; Measurement; Staffing News; Reading & Watching
This CD Practice article describes You Get What You Measure®, a process that integrates participatory planning and systems thinking into the development of strategic measures so that communities can monitor progress toward community development goals.…
This document summarizes a community workshop coordinated by the Hinesburg Economic Development Commission. The community workshop brought together community members to identify strategic leverage points to build the foundation of the Economic Development…
This presentation, from the workshop titled Strategic Planning, Measurement and Evaluation Using “You Get What You Measure®,” was presented by Melissa Levy at the 2014 Connecticut Land Conservation Conference.
This draft report is a product of a study supported by the Wallace Center and the National Good Food Network. The study explored how a set of common measures might assist food hubs and the food hub community in telling their stories and improving their…
Attendees learned how food hubs have used You Get What You Measure®, a systems-based analysis to identify their priority measures that will tell them if they are making progress towards their goals. The first part of the session shared examples of…
In an effort to develop a common set of metrics for food hubs to track the contributions they are making at the community level, the Wallace Center partnered with Yellow Wood Associates to research four potential common measures: 1) food access; 2)…
This video describes You Get What You Measure®, Yellow Wood's trademarked approach to strategic planning that incorporates measurement and can be used as a framework for evaluation. The video also shares…
Join us for public workshops that provide an introduction to Yellow Wood’s unique approach to strategic planning and measurement, You Get What You Measure®. The approach integrates systems thinking to identify key leverage indicators, and aligns actions…
Twice a year, Yellow Wood Associates, Inc., of St. Albans, VT, offers professionals with facilitation skills the opportunity to learn how to deliver You Get What You Measure®. In development and use for over fifteen years, You Get What You Measure®…
This workbook was shared with participants at a 7-hour training presented by Melissa Levy and Barbara Wyckoff presented on You Get What You Measure at the 2011 Community Involvement Training Conference.
This report summarizes an interactive workshop hosted by the Town of Mansfield on the Town’s Agriculture Strategy as part of their Mansfield Tomorrow initiative. Yellow Wood Associates facilitated the workshop in their role as the consultant responsible…
Ford Foundation, You Get What You Measure©, Green Community Technologies©, What’s New at Yellow Wood?; Spring Puzzler and Spring Reading
Update on Our Work: Community Roadmap to Renewable Woody Biomass Energy; Wealth Creation in Rural Communities; 25th Anniversary Party; You Get What You Measure© Presentations
This video highlights the Becoming a Measurement Guide training offered by Yellow Wood.
This brochure highlights the You Get What You Measure© process, available training and workshop formats, past clients. Quotes throughout provide feedback from clients and participants on their experiences with You Get What You Measure.©
This agriculture strategy report was created for Mansfield Tomorrow, a Town-wide project designed to provide the vision, strategies and tools for Mansfield to become the 21st century community Mansfield wants to be. This project included a community…
Update on Our Work; Measurement News; WealthWorks; Mapping the Strength of Your Region's Capitals; Conferences and Presentations
Update on Our Work; Measurement News; Tool: Value Propositions as a Collaboration Tool; WealthWorks; Staffing News; Reading & Watching
1694 Barry Road - Fairfield, VT 05455|ph: 802-524-6604