In an effort to help the Northeast and Midwest meet their needs for renewable energy and greenhouse gas reduction through the sustainable utilization of woody biomass, the U.S. Forest Service engaged Yellow Wood Associates in conducting third party feasibility analyses that help agencies, communities, and institutions evaluate how wood energy can meet local energy needs; what technologies are available; at what scale and cost; and what benefits could result. Yellow Wood partnered with Richmond Energy Associates, and Wilson Engineering, to work throughout the 20 state Northeastern Area with a variety of state and local partners and a project outreach and education contractor to facilitate the use of wood energy in heating, cooling, power (electrical), and/or district energy applications.
"Just thought you might want to know that last Thursday, our board approved moving forward with the wood boiler at the parks and town garage. The stoves have been ordered and the installer is meeting with our parks and highway guys today. The construction company has been picked…we ended up ordering two smaller boilers (I think they are 345) Aquatherm. Your study provided such a good foundation for us in making this decision. It took many, many months to get everyone to a place where it could happen, but having good information definitely helped. Thanks!"
- Sue Montgomery Corey, Supervisor, Highways and Parks Department, Town of Minerva, NY