Innovators in Rural Community Economic Development

Walton Family Foundation, Private Coaching, Meeting Facilitation and Value Chain Coordination for Nature-Based Tourism Grantees in the Lower Mississippi River Region

Tags: Custom Facilitation, Facilitation, Measurement, Nature Based Tourism, Natural Resource Based Economic Development, Wealth Creation

Client Name: Walton Family Foundation

Client Type: Foundation

Year: 2013, 2014, 2015

Location: Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee

Yellow Wood Associates is working with place-based grantees of the Walton Family Foundation in the Lower Mississippi River Region.  This work is focused around nature-based tourism.  Coaching work includes calls with grantees and group calls to support collaborative development of potential regional and individual value chains.  Value chain coordination work is focused on a pilot project for a potential nature-based tourism value chain in Helena, Arkansas, identifying supporting and transactional players in the potential value chain and brokering conversations with potential partners, identifying measures of progress, developing information systems and information sharing protocols to strengthen the network, and developing a tourism development strategy. Meeting facilitation work involves coordination, preparation, facilitation, and reporting for one regional meeting of place-based grantees.