The Town of Montgomery, New York hired Yellow Wood Associates to assist residents and local government officials in planning for the Town’s energy future. Yellow Wood used its You Get What You Measure® process to help the group identify seven important goals: Goal #1:The ToM is a community where local government and an involved citizenry take responsibility for their energy future; Goal #2: The ToM maintains and provides a safe, healthy and clean energy environment; Goal #3: The ToM practices the most appropriate and efficient use of energy technologies; Goal #4: There are no institutional barriers to procuring energy locally in the ToM; Goal #5: Energy production and usage promotes environmental stewardship in the ToM; Goal #6: A substantial percentage of the energy used in the ToM is obtained from sustainable, renewable sources; Goal #7: The ToM is a community where ready access to affordable, efficient and clean energy allows residents to work and play where they live. Some of the key indicators of progress toward these goals identified by the group as most relevant to the Town of Montgomery include having citizens and community leaders who are knowledgeable about energy sources and efficiency and have access to all resources needed to use the most sustainable options; providing reasonably priced energy and conservation training for citizens; and having more rewards and incentives for conservation and efficiency.