Every so often I find myself thinking about the WealthWorks framework in new or expanded ways. I share these thoughts with the WealthWorks community…
Every so often I find myself thinking about the WealthWorks framework in new or expanded ways. I share these thoughts with the WealthWorks community…
Every so often I find myself thinking about the WealthWorks framework in new or expanded ways. I share these thoughts with our readers and the WealthWorks…
The WealthWorks training program provided me with a new understanding of sustainable economic development within an innovative framework that infuses traditional economic development methods with an…
This Guide to Financing the Community Supported Farm in Vermont (published by…
I recently attended the WealthWorks training for coaches and coordinators in Pendle Hill, PA. I was not sure what to expect and was excited to learn about “value chains” and how this could enhance…
We were attracted to the WealthWorks Training because part of our mission from the Minnesota State Legislature is to create economic development in the state for small- and medium-sized businesses in…
This Sustainable Value Chain Finance Workshop Report from the Rainforest…
I spent a great day at the second annual Summit on the Future of Vermont’s Working landscape at Vermont…
There's a great webinar connected to the Citizen-Led Sustainable Change forum taking place this afternoon. You can learn more about the forum (http://www.coady.stfx.ca/coady/nacommdev/about/),…
Is it just us, or did 2013 fly by?
Welcome to our new website! We invite your feedback and suggestions on how to make it as helpful as possible. We hope the new content will be useful and approachable,…